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目标:通过关键词在各个获客渠道搜索,找到做这个产品或者这类产品生意的公司网站,这些就是我们的潜在客户。 而google搜索引擎获客渠道,是最庞大的数据库、更新及时,你的客户都在上面。







编号 客户网站 网站标题 网站关键词 网站描述 公司简介 产品大类别名 产品小类别名 产品名 产品具体规格 行业名 公司性质(角色) 国家 公司名后缀 网址后缀
1 https://greenignite.com Distributor of led Lighting,LED Lighting Experts LED Lighting Solutions Energy Star,Design Lighting Consortium listed,interior designers,distributor,retail store,United States,Canada,vendors,energy efficiency ventures,LED lighting distribution company, energy monitoring, and solar technology LED Kits,LED Lamps,LED Accessories,Explosion Proof Fixtures,Grow Lights,Wireless 0-10V Dimming System,Displays,Poles 比较多,可以进一步梳理 比较多,可以进一步梳理 比较多,可以进一步梳理 the lighting & electrical products industry Lighting manufacturer US,New York Inc .com
2 https://www.bulbamerica.com/ Light Bulbs, Fixtures, LED Lighting Light Bulbs, LED LightBulbs, Lighting light bulbs, fixtures, LED lighting LIGHTING NEEDS,light bulbs,Philips,Sylvania,Osram,GE,Ushio,Satco,Sunlite,light bulb pricing,Professional Source,professional customers,The Professional's Source,world's leading retailer,energy efficient lighting, general lighting, stage & studio, automotive, outdoor & street lighting, medical,Inventory,lighting fixtures,accessories,warehouse facilities,commercial industrial, residential or theatrical needs Light Bulbs,Light Bulb, LED Lighting, Energy Saving Lighting, Medical bulbs, General Lighting, MR16, Halogen bulbs, Stage Lighting, Metal Halide bulbs, Photographic bulbs, Incandescent, and Compact Fluorescent LED Bulbs,Halogen Bulbs,PAR Bulbs,Incandescent Bulbs,MR Bulbs 比较多,可以进一步梳理 比较多,可以进一步梳理 the lighting & electrical products industry retailer,importer,Distributor,wholesaler US,NY .com
3 https://envisionledlighting.com/ LED Lighting LED Lighting Manufacture,LED Lighting Wholesale, LED Wholesale, LED distributor, Envision LED Lighting LED LIghting,LED lighting leader, LED lighting products,high efficiency, low energy consuming LED products,residential and commercial application DOWNLIGHTS,FIXTURES,CONTROLS,LAMPS & BULBS Area Flood Lightst,Area LED Lightingt,Barn Dusk To Dawn,Canopy LED Light,Highbay LED Lighting,High Bay Round 比较多,可以进一步梳理 比较多,可以进一步梳理 the lighting & electrical products industry wholesale、distributor US,Los Angeles Inc. .com



可以把思路一收集到的关键词拿到google上输入,输入后会有提示细分关键词,如下:输入“LED distributor”


来源网站 主关键词1 主关键词2 主关键词3 主关键词4 主关键词5 主关键词6 主关键词7 主关键词8 主关键词9 主关键词10 主关键词11 主关键词12 主关键词13 主关键词14
https://greenignite.com LED Lighting Solutions Distributor of led Lighting LED Lighting Experts energy efficiency ventures LED lighting distribution company energy monitoring solar technology LED Kits LED Lamps LED Accessories Explosion Proof Fixtures Grow Lights Wireless 0-10V Dimming System Displays
从这行开始都是细分关键词 led lighting solutions llc distributor of led lighting usa
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关键词类别 关键词
行业 the lighting & electrical products industry
产品大类别一 Light Bulbs
产品小类别一 LED Bulbs,Halogen Bulbs,PAR Bulbs,Incandescent Bulbs,MR Bulbs
产品大类别二 -
产品小类别二 -
产品 比较多,可以进一步梳理
产品具体规格 比较多,可以进一步梳理
公司性质(角色) dealer, retailer, manufacturer, manufacturing、 brand, distributor, distributing, importer,importing, importers,wholesaler、supplier、supplies、supplying、 supply、vendor、oem、buyer、company、trader、export、exporter、exporting、 warehouse、factory
采购职位名 Purchasing, Procurement, Buyer & Sourcing
与销售有关的词 sale, buy, discount, shop, purchase
公司简介、描述中收集的主关键词 Energy Star,Design Lighting Consortium listed,interior designers,distributor,retail store,United States,Canada,vendors,energy efficiency ventures,LED lighting distribution company, energy monitoring, and solar technology
细分关键词 led lighting solutions llc, led lighting solutions ltd
公司名特征及后缀 Inc., CO.,LT, AG, LTD等
国家域名后缀 .com, .de, .es, .uk, .se, .pt, .pl, .nl等


led street light(产品词) + company (公司性质、角色词) + USA (国家词)

这样就能找到一些在美国的LED street light公司。通过更换以上词,就能组合出很多关键词搜索场景。



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